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How to use the 1:1 feature in Confirm

Nicole Tavares avatar
Written by Nicole Tavares
Updated this week

Prefer to watch a video? Check out our 1:1s video

1:1s allow employees and their manager, or any other employee in their organization, to collaborate and track notes from those conversations.

1:1s in Confirm are private between you and the other party. When you login to Confirm, on the left navigation tab you will see yourself, your manager, and any of your direct reports, if applicable, by default. You can also add anyone else you collaborate with often by clicking "+Add person". To add to or start a 1:1 agenda, click on the person's name, or find them by using the Search bar, to go to their profile, then click on the 1:1's tab under their name.

You can also click 1:1's under the "Teams" menu and head to a profile from there.

Once you navigate to the 1:1 page of the correct individual, you can add Agenda items to help guide your conversations.

Feeling stuck? Click the 'Add from template' dropdown to select a starting point!

You are also able to take notes within each agenda item. If you highlight over any text in the agenda item field, you can add formatting such as bolding, underlining, italics, bullet points, numbered lists, and also insert a link, image, video, or upload a file.

If needed, you can make certain agenda items private to only you by clicking the lock icon beside your avatar when you hover over that agenda item.

When the checkbox next to an Agenda item is completed, it will appear in a new list titled "History". You can still add notes to agenda items that have moved to the History list. If you uncheck an item on the History list, it will move back to the Agenda list.

Tips for a good 1:1

  1. Set an agenda: Before the 1:1, both parties should share the topics they hope to cover. Taking time to reflect prior to these conversations on what to cover will allow for these sessions to be more impactful.

  2. Celebrate wins: Beginning a meeting by sharing a win creates positive energy and drives psychological safety.

  3. Remove roadblocks: Managers should use 1:1s as an opportunity to provide perspective, best practices, and insight into how an employee can solve day to day issues and level up their skills.

  4. Track your progress: Taking good notes in Confirm will allow you to spend less time discuss what has already been accomplished and more time discussing what can be done next.

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