As an admin, you will now be able to add or edit individual people available to your Organization.
To access this functionality enter the People Administration page by navigating to the left-hand side of the Confirm app, clicking on Admin, and then clicking on People Administration.
Adding a Person
Click the blue Add person button to bring up the Add new person dialogue box.
The minimum required fields to enter are :
First Name
Last Name
Start Date
Optional field:
Preferred name
Editing a Person
When you hover over any Person row, an Edit button will appear to the left of the row.
Clicking on the Edit button will bring up the Person Edit dialogue box. Here you will have access to changing any of the following:
First Name
Preferred Name
Last Name
Start Date
Please note: updating a person's status to Terminated will require the addition of a Termination date.
Clicking Save will save the changes.
What if I want to change the Email for the Person?
You are not able to change the Email with the People Edit functionality. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for information on changing this information.
Are there other fields that can be added or edited?
Yes, if there are custom fields your organization uses, for example Cost Center or Level, these can be added and will be available to edit in the Additional Fields section. Please let your Customer Success Manager know if any custom fields need to be exposed.