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Your Confirm Profile
Your Confirm Profile

What makes up your Confirm profile? We're glad you asked...

Nicole Tavares avatar
Written by Nicole Tavares
Updated this week

Navigating to your Profile

To view your profile, click on your avatar at the top right corner of the global navigation bar, then click 'My profile':


The tab your profile will open to by default is the 'Resume' tab. Your resume includes activities added by you, or activities you've been added to as a collaborator. To add new contributions to your Resume, click 'Add to Resume'

**Please note, that activities added to your Resume will be visible to your entire organization, unless the visibility is changed at the time the activity is being created. Visibility cannot be updated after creation.


The next tab in your Profile is the 'Objectives' tab. Objectives and key results (OKR, alternatively OKRs) is a goal setting framework used by individuals, teams, and organizations to define measurable goals and track their outcomes.

Check out our article dedicated to OKR's to learn more:

**Please note, that objectives are visible to your entire organization. Visibility cannot be updated.


Aspirations are high level aims or desires for your life & career that can take many months, years, or even decades. You can use this section of your profile to add aspirations you'd like to discuss with your manager, to aid with career development.

To add aspirations to your profile, click 'Add aspiration' at the top right, and fill out the details noted below.

**Please note, that visibility of aspirations added to your profile can be managed at the time of creation, or after, by editing the aspiration. By default, it will be visible to the entire organization, but clicking on the lock icon will update visibility to only your manager and above.

Operating Manual

Your operating manual is meant to give your colleagues a better sense of how to schedule time with you, how to influence you, your values, areas of growth, etc. Especially in a remote first world, the operating manual is a great way to get to know your teammates.

Click 'Edit' in each section to add details:

Feedback and Notes

This section is where all of the feedback you give and receive will live, and is only visible to you and your manager.

You can give feedback, request feedback, give recognition, or write notes to yourself in this section, too, by clicking "Add feedback or notes at the top right corner.


Once your first review cycle has been completed, your performance review(s) will live under the performance tab. You can easily toggle between different cycles as well.

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